Silva Gomes

Excellence and security in resolving tax disputes

The service provided by Silva Gomes Advogados is highly specialized and personalized, offering excellence in the provision of legal services with commitment and quality in a personalized way.

With extensive expertise in tax litigation, the firm was founded by partner Luis Augusto da Silva Gomes, who has a professional trajectory of over 25 years of experience establishing solid partnerships with clients and companies in general, always aiming at solving tax issues, administrative, tax and judicial litigations, tax consultancy, among other areas of expertise.

By understanding the language, the business and the needs of its clients, the firm offers the best recommendations and legal alternatives, thus ensuring security in the resolution of the most varied matters and tax issues.


About Us

Silva Gomes Advogados law firm’s differential is its exclusive and specialized services established through personalized and direct contact with clients. This way, it is possible to understand the scenario and all the factors that affect the client’s needs.

Understanding that each case is unique, Silva Gomes Advogados makes a point of investing in the relationship with the client to provide the most appropriate, speedy and sound solutions. We believe that it is necessary to deeply understand the client’s business and opportunities in order to seek the most suitable answers that he and his company need.

The firm has extensive experience in conducting tax processes for companies of various sizes, from small companies to multinationals, in the most diverse segments and sectors of the economy. The secret to adjust to our clients’ different realities is our dedication to understanding and handling the client’s demand in a deep and individualized way.

With knowledge gathered over two decades working in the tax area, Silva Gomes Advogados also provides tax consulting services, including in the pre-litigation phase, due diligence of tax proceedings, in the administrative and judicial spheres, international business consultancy involving Brazil and Florida/USA, as well as in tax matters involving customs law. Check our practice areas.


Lawyer with 25 years of experience, postgraduate degree in Tax Law from PUC/SP, extension degree in accounting from FEA/USP, MBA lato sensu in Economic Law and Business Law from FGV, worked in the areas of Tax Law, Tax Litigation in the administrative and judicial levels, as well as in tax matters involving customs law (foreign trade).

Luis Augusto da Silva Gomes

Graduated in Law in 1997, with a postgraduate degree in Tax Law from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo and extension degree in Accounting from the Faculty of Economics and Administration at USP, Luis Augusto da Silva Gomes has a lato sensu MBA in Economic Law and business Law from the Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV).

The lawyer has over 25 years of experience in renowned law firms, including being a partner in one of the largest and most traditional law firms in Brazil, working with tax litigation, judicial and administrative proceedings, oral arguments and strong performance before the Brazilian courts, in legislation analysis, tax consultancy in general, due diligence, among other projects.

He is the author of several articles on tax issues that were published in specialized journals and magazines, such as Revista Dialética de Direito Tributário (Dialectic Journal of Tax Law), Revista de Direito Tributário Atual (Modern Tax Law Magazine), Revista Consultor Jurídico (Legal Consultant Magazine) and, in the mainstream media, such as the newspaper Jornal Valor Econômico. He also has experience as a speaker at national and international forums, including events for various chambers of commerce.

Luis Augusto da Silva Gomes guarantees the most appropriate legal alternatives for resolving tax issues and disputes

His knowledge and expertise are recognized in many awards, such as the ITR/World Tax and the Tax Controversy Leader, promoted by the British institution International Tax Review (ITR), in the editions of 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016 and 2015.

Due to his high technical level, the management of Silva Gomes Advogados sustains the firm’s performance in what is presently prevailing within the Brazilian legal sciences and courts. With extensive background in conducting cases in different areas of law for clients from different segments, Luis Augusto da Silva Gomes guarantees the most appropriate legal alternatives for resolving tax issues and disputes.

Practice Areas

Tax Law

Tax Litigation

Tax Consulting

Tax advice on matters involving Customs Law and Foreign Trade

Due Diligence in Tax Proceedings

Assistance and representation before administrative bodies, such as the Federal Revenue Service and Public Prosecutors and Attorneys

International business consultancy involving Brazil and Florida/USA

News and Media

(PT) O nosso escritório foi reconhecido/premiado pelo “ITR World Tax 2023” como um dos melhores no Brasil em “Tax Controversy” (tier 2). O sócio Luis Augusto Gomes também foi reconhecido como “Highly Regarded” na mesma categoria (“Tax Controversy”)

(PT) O escritório se associou recentemente ao BACCF (Brazilian American Chamber of Commerce of Florida) visando o fortalecimento de sua atuação e assessoria “cross-border” em negócios entre Brasil e Flórida nos Estados Unidos.

Premiação internacional individual como “Tax Controversy Leader” (2022), pelo ranking Britânico International Tax Review (Euromoney PLC), Luis Augusto da Silva Gomes (líder de contencioso tributário).

Premiação internacional “World Tax / 2022” (SILVA GOMES ADVOGADOS), Tier 3, como sócio da área de contencioso tributário, pelo ranking Britânico International Tax Review (Euromoney PLC).

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